80 research outputs found

    Programación lineal y entera con OPL para la nueva empresa

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    Se realiza un análisis de la programación lineal como herramienta de resolución de problemas mediante una estructura cercana a la del lenguaje natural, la aplicación de la programación entera que supone la aplicación del mismo esquema de la programación lineal a un conjunto de restricciones formadas por variables enteras. OPL resuelve este tipo de programas restringiendo la tecnología de la programación entera a aquellas variables enteras.Analysis of linear programming as a tool for problem solving through a near natural language structure, application of integer programming that involves the application of the same scheme of linear programming to a set of restrictions consist of integer variables is performed. OPL solves these programs restricting technology to those integer variables entire programming

    La economía vista desde la filosofía

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    Podemos considerar a la ciencia económica como el último reducto de una concepción de la ciencia ya extinta. La economía tal y como hoy la conocemos Proviene de la visión positivista de principios del siglo XX, que quiso crear un modelo de conocimiento que separase lo científico de 1o pseudocientífico. Para ello tuvo lugar una revolución formalista que ponía todo su énfasis en la creación de un tipo de lenguaje que permitiera separar los hechos y las teorías e hipótesis a la vez que, mediante una base empírica completamente objetiva (formada por hechos), hiciese posible su corroboración.We can consider to economic science as the last stronghold of a conception of science now defunct. The economy as we know today comes from the positivist vision from the beginning of the XX century, that wanted to create a model of knowledge that separated scientific and pseudoscientific. This took place a formalist revolution that put all their emphasis on the creation of a type of language that would allow them to separate the facts and theories and hypotheses to the time that, through an empirical basis completely objective (formed by facts), would be made possible its corroboration

    Partial orderings for hesitant fuzzy sets

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    New partial orderings =o=o, =p=p and =H=H are defined, studied and compared on the set HH of finite subsets of the unit interval with special emphasis on the last one. Since comparing two sets of the same cardinality is a simple issue, the idea for comparing two sets A and B of different cardinalities n and m respectively using =H=H is repeating their elements in order to obtain two series with the same length. If lcm(n,m)lcm(n,m) is the least common multiple of n and m we can repeat every element of A lcm(n,m)/mlcm(n,m)/m times and every element of B lcm(n,m)/nlcm(n,m)/n times to obtain such series and compare them (Definition 2.2). (H,=H)(H,=H) is a bounded partially ordered set but not a lattice. Nevertheless, it will be shown that some interesting subsets of (H,=H)(H,=H) have a lattice structure. Moreover in the set BB of finite bags or multisets (i.e. allowing repetition of objects) of the unit interval a preorder =B=B can be defined in a similar way as =H=H in HH and considering the quotient set View the MathML sourceB¿=B/~ of BB by the equivalence relation ~ defined by A~BA~B when A=BBA=BB and B=BAB=BA, View the MathML source(B¿,=B) is a lattice and (H,=H)(H,=H) can be naturally embedded into it.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    La economía vista desde la filosofía

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    Podemos considerar a la ciencia económica como el último reducto de una concepción de la ciencia ya extinta. La economía tal y como hoy la conocemos Proviene de la visión positivista de principios del siglo XX, que quiso crear un modelo de conocimiento que separase lo científico de 1o pseudocientífico. Para ello tuvo lugar una revolución formalista que ponía todo su énfasis en la creación de un tipo de lenguaje que permitiera separar los hechos y las teorías e hipótesis a la vez que, mediante una base empírica completamente objetiva (formada por hechos), hiciese posible su corroboración.We can consider to economic science as the last stronghold of a conception of science now defunct. The economy as we know today comes from the positivist vision from the beginning of the XX century, that wanted to create a model of knowledge that separated scientific and pseudoscientific. This took place a formalist revolution that put all their emphasis on the creation of a type of language that would allow them to separate the facts and theories and hypotheses to the time that, through an empirical basis completely objective (formed by facts), would be made possible its corroboration

    Modelización de timetabling mediante el lenguaje Toy con restricciones sobre dominios finitos

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    Timetabling permite la confeccion automática de calendarios, el lenguaje Toy con restricciones sobre dominios finitos, desarrollado por la Universidad Complutense, permite implementar una solución mediante la programación declarativa. Se plantea el caso de un centro de trabajo con servicio continuado en el que el personal trabaja a turnos.Timetabling enables automatic preparation of schedules, the Toy language with constraints over finite domains developed by the Complutense University, allows us to implement a solution using declarative programming. Here we propose the event of a workplace with continued service in which work shifts

    Transitive Closure of Interval-valued Relations

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    This paper introduces some concepts of intervalvalued fuzzy relations and some of their properties: reflexivity, symmetry, T-transitivity, composition and locally reflexivity. It is also introduced the concept of T-transitive closure for an interval-valued fuzzy relation. An algorithm to compute the T-transitive closure of finite interval-valued relations, some properties and some examples are given.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The therapeutic use of the dog in Spain: a review from a historical and cross-cultural perspective of a change in the human-dog relationship

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    En España, los estudios sobre los conocimientos tradicionales relacionados con la biodiversidad se han centrado en las plantas vasculares. Por este motivo, nuestra revisión se concentra en la identificación e inventario de recursos zooterapéuticos, en particular los que involucran al perro (Canis lupus familiaris Linnaeus, 1758) a lo largo del siglo XX hasta el presente. Se realizó una revisión sistemática cualitativa en los campos de etnomedicina, etnozoología y folklore. Se realizaron búsquedas automatizadas en las bases de datos y bibliotecas digitales más importantes. Todos los trabajos relacionados fueron examinados a fondo y se obtuvo información de 55 fuentes documentales. Hemos enumerado un total de 63 remedios para tratar y / o prevenir 49 enfermedades y afecciones humanas. En 20 de los informes documentados se utilizó el animal completo y se recomendó el uso de crías en 12 casos. La saliva fue el elemento de curación en 10 remedios, y las heces fueron la base terapéutica para nueve, mientras que la leche de perra fue para siete de ellos. Piel, piel y carne fueron los siguientes en importancia. Actualmente, los remedios curativos basados en el uso del perro no forman parte de la etnomedicina española y considerarlos así sería ahistórico. De hecho, la costumbre de permitir que un perro lama las heridas para ayudar en su curación y cicatrización ha sobrevivido en solo unos pocos grupos de personas. Sin embargo, podemos afirmar que el uso etnomédico del perro existe y se ha transferido a la "terapia asistida por animales".In Spain, studies about traditional knowledge related to biodiversity have focused on vascular plants. For this reason, our review concentrates on the identification and inventory of zootherapeutic resources, particularly those involving the dog (Canis lupus familiaris Linnaeus, 1758) throughout the twentieth century to the present. A qualitative systematic review in the fields of ethnomedicine, ethnozoology and folklore was made. Automated searches in the most important databases and digital libraries were performed. All related works were examined thoroughly and information was obtained from 55 documentary sources. We have listed a total of 63 remedies to treat and/or prevent 49 human illnesses and conditions. In 20 of the documented reports the whole animal was used and the use of pups was recommended in 12 cases. Saliva was the healing element in 10 remedies, and faeces were the therapeutic basis for nine, while bitch’s milk was for seven of them. Skin, fur and meat were next in significance. Currently, healing remedies based on the use of the dog are not part of Spanish ethnomedicine and considering them so would be ahistorical. Indeed, the custom of allowing a dog to lick one’s wounds to assist in their healing and cicatrisation has survived in only a few groups of people. However, we can state that the ethnomedical use of the dog exists and has been transferred to “animal-assisted therapy”.peerReviewe

    An algorithm to compute the transitive closure, a transitive approximation and a transitive opening of a fuzzy proximity

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    A method to compute the transitive closure, a transitive opening and a transitive approximation of a reflexive and symmetric fuzzy relation is given. Other previous methods in literature compute just the transitive closure, some transitive approximations or some transitive openings. The proposed algorithm computes the three different similarities that approximate a proximity for the computational cost of computing just one. The shape of the binary partition tree for the three output similarities are the same.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hesitant fuzzy relations and their transitive closure

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    Hesitant fuzzy relations and some of their operations are defined. A first definition of T-transitive property and its closure is defined.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Órdenes parciales para hesitant fuzzy sets

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    Se define un nuevo orden parcial H en el conjunto H de subconjuntos finitos del intervalo unidad. Con este preorden H no es un retículo, pero sí lo son algunos subconjuntos de H interesantes. H se puede inyectar de forma natural en un retículo B. En H y B se pueden definir t-normas.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft